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The GomSpace 12U platform is a standardised platform provided with all the essentials needed to operate your payload. Compared to the GomSpace 8U platform, it provides even more payload volume. The GomSpace 12U platform has been designed for advanced missions with large payloads. 

This model can accommodate high power payloads as it is equipped with NanoPower Sun Tracking Solar Panels (TSP). The NanoPower TSP is equipped with 3 panels per wing and is capable of rotating about the solar wing axis to independently track the sun and increase solar power generation without altering the spacecraft attitude. This model can also accommodate missions with high data volume and precise ADCS requirements. The platform has a data link system which consists of S-band up- and down-link and X-band downlink.

The GomSpace 12U platform can support:

  • Multiple large payload
  • Very high power requirements
  • High LEO orbits
  • Optical downlinks or payloads  

The platform is the baseline for the upcoming GOMX-5 mission. 

The GomSpace 12U platform provides: electrical power management, sun tracking deployable solar panels, precise ADCS (star tracker), TMTC, OBC functionalities, and S-band and X-band data links. Propulsion (cold gas or electric) can be provided on request. 



Bus Mass 8 kg 10 kg 11 kg
Max Payload Mass 4 kg 14 kg 13 kg
Payload Volume 5 U 8 U 12 U
Solar Array Orbit Average Power (OAP) (Orbit Dep)  84.4 - 146.7 W 39.5 - 100 W 84.4 - 146.7 W
Power Bus 3.3V, 5V, 8V, 12V, 18V, 24V up to 2A 3.3V, 5V, 8V, 12V, 18V, 24V up to 2A 3.3V, 5V, 8V, 12V,18V, 24V up to 2A
Battery Capacity 154 Wh 154 Wh 154 Wh
Determination Error Sun/Eclipse 200 arcsec 200 arcsec 200 arcsec
Pointing Error Sun/Eclipse 250 arcsec 250 arcsec 250 arcsec
Max Slew Rate 10° / s 10° / s 10° / s
Position Knowledge (RMS) 3 m 3 m 3 m
Data Storage Up to 120 GB Up to 120 GB Up to 120 GB
Data Buses Space Wire, CAN, RS422 and TTL level UART Space Wire, CAN, RS422 and TTL level UART Space Wire, CAN, RS422 and TTL level UART
TMTC Communication Uplink  /  Downlink: S-band Uplink  /  Downlink: S-band Uplink  /  Downlink: S-band
High Speed Link (HSL) Communication Uplink: S-band  /  Downlink: S-band and X-band

Uplink: S-band  /  Downlink: S-band and X-band

Uplink: S-band  /  Downlink: S-band and X-band
TMTC Data Downlink Up to 90 kbps Up to 90 kbps Up to 90 kbps
High Speed Link (HSL)
Data Downlink (CCSDS Compatible)
From 500 kbps ​​​​to 6 Mbps (S-band) and 
up to 225 Mbps (X-band)
From 500 kbps ​​​to 6 Mbps (S-band) and 
up to 225 Mbps (X-band)
From 500 kbps ​​​to 6 Mbps (S-band) and 
up to 225 Mbps (X-band)
High Speed Link (HSL)
Data Uplink (CCSDS Compatible)
From 500 kbps ​​​​to 6 Mbps (S-band) From 500 kbps ​​​to 6 Mbps ​(S-band) From 500 kbps ​​​to 6 Mbps ​(S-band)
Propulsion (optional) 10 to 300 m/s 10 to 300 m/s 10 to 300 m/s
Security AES256 Encryption and Authentication AES256 Encryption and Authentication AES256 Encryption and Authentication
Design Lifetime 5 years in LEO 5 years in LEO 5 years in LEO



Part of GomSpace internal mission program GOMX

Mission Overview:

Demonstrating new nanosatellite capabilities in space, particularly for next generation constellations: The platform is hosting a high number of payloads from European technology providers.

Launch is foreseen in Q2 2022.

Bus Configuration

  • 12U Platform
  • Large use of COTS components
  • High level of modularity
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